
for gurls who wanna look simply fantastic everyday!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

real men, real tee's!

Guys gotta look good for the girls too, you know!
And being presentable is really important. Add that together with humour and you've won hearts of more than 60% of all female population!
With shirts like these, you'll win hearts all over.

front view of shirt
close up!
back view of shirt!
close up!
The 7 Eleven shirt is catchy and reminds you of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
Originally priced at RM60, now we're giving it away at RM 50. total steal~ (code: G2)

The TO DO List shirt is really funny and who knows, just some help to pick up the ladies from the clubs ;p

From a bedazzling price of RM75 to RM RM60. it's a catch~ (code: G1)

The Kiss You shirt shows the cheeky and fun man within. Selling it back then at RM60, now it's RM50. be a man! a real man! (code: G3)